Retiring our ASTA course
Control-F ran its first Advanced Smartphone & Tablet Acquisition course in February 2015. The Samsung Galaxy S5 was a handset of choice and David Cameron was UK prime minister. We’ve run 43 ASTA courses over the intervening 10 years during which time we’ve helped provide students with acquisition techniques and tricks to allow them to maximise the evidence they could recover from Android and iOS exhibits. Together we’ve cracked passwords, decrypted device backups and used AI models to identify keywords within voice notes and videos.
Although the title of the course has stayed the same, the content has changed many times over (as you would hope and expect!) Devices, exercises and lessons have been retired and replaced over the years in an effort to keep pace with the continual changes in mobile devices and forensic tool capabilities.
However, the time has now come to retire the ASTA course. The continuously evolving mobile forensic landscape not only presents challenges but also provides opportunities, and we feel the time is right to adjust our focus and take a new approach. Rest assured we are already working on a brand new smartphone forensics course which we look forward to announcing to our customers later this year.
Our last ASTA course will run w/c 28 April, so reach out if you wish to secure one of the last remaining seats.