Python Scripting 1
3 days
Course aims
As digital forensic examiners expand their knowledge and understanding of forensic artefacts within PCs, mobile phones and other devices, so they repeatedly encounter key evidence which is not appropriately reported by commercial forensic tools. ‘Python Scripting 1’ is a 3 day course designed to teach students how to start writing simple scripts in Python with a strong emphasis on those aspects of the language which are relevant to digital forensics.
What you will learn
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Write short Python scripts to open and process files of evidential interest
- Write short Python scripts to recover thumbnail images from input files
- Write short Python scripts to recover evidence from SQLite databases
- Write short Python scripts to produce text and comma separated value (CSV) output
Who should attend?
The course assumes no prior knowledge of Python or any previous programming experience; however delegates must have previous experience of working with raw (hex) data and be confident navigating such data within a hex editor.